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rock breaking chemicals South African: Industry Guidelines and Application Analysis

rock breaking chemicals South African: Industry Guidelines and Application Analysis

In South Africa, rock breaking chemicals are gradually becoming a new favorite in the mining and construction industries. This article will delve into the types, application scenarios, advantages of these chemicals, and ···

What is the reason for punching with Expansive Mortar?

What is the reason for punching with Expansive Mortar?

The punching phenomenon is caused by improper temperature control of the Expansive Mortar, resulting in a rapid reaction and causing the actual stone to crack. When using rock expansion agents, the following points shoul···

Why do companies prefer to use Expansive Mortar for mining?

Why do companies prefer to use Expansive Mortar for mining?

Expansive Mortar is a blasting tool that is vibration free, noise free, free of flying stones, dust, and harmful gases. In recent years, it has been increasingly favored by more and more mining enterprises. It not only h···

The Rising Popularity of Break Stone Expansive Mortar in China

The Rising Popularity of Break Stone Expansive Mortar in China

In the ever-evolving construction industry, innovative techniques and materials continue to shape the landscape of building practices. Among these advancements, the use of break stone expansive mortar has gained signific···

Optimization Plan for Stone Excavation Construction

Optimization Plan for Stone Excavation Construction

The rock excavation construction of this project adopts an optimized static blasting method, also known as "environmentally friendly expansion agent method" or "low noise blasting". By precisely controlling the drilling ···

Chemical blasting material-silent expansion agent

Chemical blasting material-silent expansion agent

Efficient, safe, and environmentally friendly stone mining technology is crucial in the construction and road construction industry. For silent mining of large volume stones, silent expansion agents have become an ideal ···


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